Humor List
Reading levels are shown in parentheses
following the titles: E= early readers/picture books, P = primary, I = intermediate, A = advanced, and
Y = young adult). Borderline cases may be listed in two categories
(e.g., PI for primary/intermediate). A "+" following a title indicates a superior selection or a
particular favorite (the best of the best).
Richard Atwater
Walter Brooks
Series: Freddy the Pig
Rene Goscinny
Series: Nicholas
Lucretia P. Hale
Robert Lawson
Astrid Lindgren
Series: Pippi Longstocking
Hugh Lofting
Series: Dr. Dolittle
Series: Dr. Dolittle in the Moon
Betty MacDonald
Series: Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle
Robert McCloskey
Keith Robertson