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Teaching Reading

There are many resources available to help you to teach your child to read, or to help a child who is having trouble reading. Though it seems like a daunting task, really any parent who can read himself can teach his child to read. But it is best to have some systematic phonics program to work from.

The book we ourselves have used successfully with our kids is Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons by Siegfried Engelmann, Phyllis Haddox, and Elaine Bruner ($15.05 from Amazon.com). This is a very complete program which gives you everything you need to teach your child to read (each lesson literally has scripts for the parents to say to the child, though you can modify these as you see fit). It starts off slowly, but before you are halfway through you will find your child reading.

Synopsis from Amazon.com

    cover SRA's DISTAR is one of the most successful beginning reading programs available to schools. Research has proven that children taught by the DISTAR method outperform their peers. Now, this program has been adapted for use at home. In only 20 minutes a day, this remarkable step-by-step program teaches your child to read--with the love, care, and joy only a parent and child can share.
